Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dixie and Article Marketing: So Much For Time Tables

Dixie and Article Marketing: So Much For Time Tables

So Much For Time Tables

Today is Sunday and I wanted to post about breaking my rules that I talked about in another post about getting into overload and how to handle it but look what happens when I talk right off the top of my head!

I was involved with another project, would you believe, I went to work, in the real world,:) working in my daughter's bookkeeping service. She needed help as she is over loaded with clients. So I worked for about week and plus some days to post checks and deposits. Quiet a project as she was under Internal Revenue deadline.
This Client really needed help.

Best part is I actually made money.

She is well respected in her field and has clients in Atlanta also.

But while I was working at a real job, I neglected my Internet marketing goals..woe is me! :) Hope I can balance this so I will be able to do both.

My poor mind did need a rest, I was bogged down and could not move forward.

I started this as almost apologizing for my tardiness and here I go talking about my other job!

Have a wonderful Sunday and I will make effort to not break any more of my rules.

Will post again, soon..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Email is Today and Every Day- Buy,Buy

I declare, I cannot read all this email. Am I the only one with this problem?

They will say try this free and that free but then they come back and give you a price at the very end!

If I took as much time as it would take to read all that mail, I would not have any time left to get any thing done. So I am in the process of unsubscribing, but even that takes time and I do a few a day!

Today I opened one from some who said, "Dixie I noticed you are not opening my mail, have I done something to offend you ?" Now how could I ignore that? So, you see when you have soft heart, you can be your own worse enemy, now do not take this seriously, as I am not serious!

I could use that time to be involved in more constructice projects!