Friday, July 30, 2010

New Plants in Aero Garden

I am making plans to plant a new garden, which will be lettuce and basil! First thing I have to do is clear out my pods and wash them to stop any thing growing there to attach to my new garden. :)

The instructions I have received were to wash old pods in dishwasher if I chose, but I think I will wash those by hand with dish soap and water hot as I can stand.

That grow light works wonders under my dark cabinets, that area does not look like the same place. So light and cheery!

Please stay tuned..

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dixie and Article Marketing: My Experience as a Newbie in Internet Marketing

Dixie and Article Marketing: My Experience as a Newbie in Internet Marketing

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dixie and Those Tiny Biddies

Dixie and Those Tiny Chicks

I have decided to go for another learning curve. Can you imagine any one getting involved with those cute little fuzzy biddies on the internet? I was told about this by one of my friends I met on the internet. So here I go again and thinking will I be able to learn this, and inside saying to my self, "I Can," what a thought for me to have while still working on my article marketing! I know you would like to know when am I going to tell you ?

Here goes, I signed up for wordpressgold, and have gotten to the point of no return, and will keep working toward setting up a site. It is very challenging but keeps me working and learning wich is the main thing.

I am remembering some things from the farm, Chicken coops came up and I wanted to use that as my first site.

I will keep you posted, stay tuned!