Monday, January 10, 2011

What A Cold Christmas We Had

I know it has been a while since I have been here but will  fill in what happened and looking forward to a great 2011. We had decided to go to Atlanta for Christmas with our grand children, plane tickets were purchased and we were packed and ready to head for the airport, then the news came, our flight had been delayed, we waited patiently but then we go the news that our flight had been canceled until the next day at noon.

Next day we waited for news and none came, so we  made a decision to have breakfast at the airport and wait there, which we did and we finally did get on a plane. We got the exit seats which gave us more foot room but that exit door was collecting ice inside the glass and I was there wrapped up as much as I could be and still chilled air came through. I closed the shade hoping that would make it better, only darker not warmer!

We arrived at dark and it was so cold and the wind was blowing, we stood outside waiting for our family to drive up and finally they made it and we all got into a warm car..

The children had decided to wait for us to open their gifts. The fire was burning and the tree was lite and we were thrilled that we finally did get there. We opened out gifts and had a wonderful visit until bed time.

Next morning I woke with a terrible sore throat, gargled with warm salt water, had a cup of coffee, banana, took my medicine  and went back to bed, and so it went for 6 days. 

We left for home on new year and  I slept all the way off and on on the plane.

Arrived home, turned on heat, went to bed and only got up to take medicine and go back to bed, I made a promise to my sister, that next year I would take a flu shot. She takes them every year and has never had the flu. My Dr will be very happy!

This is day 10 of the new year and I have only been out of the house twice, have never been this sick with the flu, hard to get my energy back.
So now that we have started a new year, I will have more to post, please stay tuned!
